Day #117: Transitions
My husband's last day of work is Wednesday. Today was a big step. They are shutting the place down...I'll spare you the details...but today was a big step. It hurt. It hurt me and I wasn't there. I'm glad I have pictures of my kids there. I 100% believe that when a door closes God opens a window. This has been true all my life. But doors are easier. This is also true. Then, today, when my kids and I FINALLY got out of the house at 6 p.m. to walk around the block, we ran into our neighbors, the ones behind us, who have the little girl James plays with. They are moving. They aren't moving far, just a mile or so. The kids will see each other. Her cousins are moving into their house...six kids! That's a lot of friends to make. It's going to be okay. But it's not going to be the same. I feel like that is my mantra these days. It's going to be okay. But it's not going to be the same. Media today: today was laundry day which means lots of TV a...