Day #94: Phase Two, More Social Distancing, More Prayers

Whew. Max not sleeping does not lend itself to lots of blogging. Last night he actually made it to bed at a reasonable hour but then my dear husband and I had a make up date night from Thursday when we were supposed to have date night and he wouldn't sleep. He slept from like 8:45 to 2:15. It was amazing. So I'm back!

Reopening is beginning slowly. Most of the area is moving into Phase 2, and while most of us don't *really* know what that means, it's hair cuts and some bar traffic (25%? I think?) and gatherings of up to 5 people who don't live in your house. It's not going to change much but the libraries are making noise about opening for curbside pickup, which would be amazing. This librarian mama may have spent more time than she's proud of today updating library holds lists in optimistic hope of such a thing. But generally it isn't going to change our lives a whole lot.

We've done some social distance things in the past couple of days...a friend's kid who doesn't have a yard wanted to make slime, that kind of thing. It's been nice. I love our yard so much. We've wandered in corners of it where we never used to spend the time. Feeling so lucky to have it.

Mostly just feeling overtired. Sleep regressions are the worst especially when you thought you were past all that. Today it was just me and Max for a bit...Daddy took James to the teacher parade at the school in the classic car. That was cool. I'm glad they did that.

Tomorrow we are headed out, the kids and I, with my best friend, on a road trip! So ready. It's been a long time since we were able to have another person on a road trip. We're gonna go find some little free libraries and burn through Starbucks cards. I have a ton of audiobooks on my phone for James. We are such nerds but it's gonna be great.

Yesterday we participated in another prayer vigil to honor the lost and my friend and her son joined us. I like hearing how much James remembered from the first one and how much he understands. The death of a young black man in police custody just a couple of miles from my dad's house made me really want to spend some time in silence thinking about these lost lives. It's so incredibly sad. George Floyd was lynched by police. We need to say that out loud.

It's easy with all of this going on for the virus to take a back seat. That's hard to even imagine.

Media consumption: been reading my Zora Neale Hurston reader, got through her essays and autobiography sections. Been reading the Richard Blanco poetry collection How to Love a Country. Still listening to Emily of New Moon which feels really strange in all this. Like being in another place. But I kinda just want to finish it. Lots of bad TV. I need to watch better stuff but it's hard when my brain is so tired because of the no sleeping. Working on getting some books on antiracism so I can do a better job being part of the conversation.

Today I'm grateful for friends, books, flowers, clouds, headache medicine, Josh hugs, Max hugs, James hugs, my wonderful kiddos, and that I am here right now on this planet. So lucky.


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