Day #89: It's Been a Minute

Whew. Apparently as life gets crazier blogging every day becomes harder. Maybe that is good?

First, the big thing that's on everyone's mind, yes, the protests continue. My sister was headed to one in her state today. We are not but James and I are participating in a virtual prayer vigil on Friday evening which I think will be a door into how best to share this with him. We talked about it a little already when Auntie Katie told him she was going to a protest.

Social media is a double edged is so hard to feel constantly inundated with information and yet I am so grateful that I have access because getting firsthand video from protesters and knowing what is really happening and how much peaceful protesting is going on while the news covers looting is really good.

As for the President of the United States tear gassing peaceful protesters so he can take a photo op in front of a church, well...there aren't words for my rage over that one. I feel like I've become more vocal in my faith in recent years, mostly because I don't want the narrative to be that only those people are real Christians. I'm in the (very slow) process of reading the Bible, and you know what the Bible is about? Love. Caring. Compassion. Righteous anger at tyranny. It's kind of a subversive book, actually.

So I spent a lot of the weekend obsessing over the state of the world and its general shittiness and that wasn't awesome. But I actually did a socially distanced real world in person hangout adults only with my best friend last night, and it was SO lovely I can't even stand it. Every day the world just feels a tiny bit closer to normal. Even when normal isn't great.

Josh seems a little more himself today, too. No job interviews yet but he has some solid leads and he made a clock. This is so very Josh. He's also had productive conversations with bosses at work, just making sure everyone is on the same page as his time there winds down. So that has to feel good. This was his dream job, it is hard to let go of, but he got to do it for five amazing years and he's going to be okay. I adore him.

I got my own resume completed and sent out for a job I don't stand a chance at getting. That was fun. It's been a bit of a blow to my self esteem to update the old resume but fortunately there's great career advice out there for stay at home moms...and also I need to focus on the job I do. I got home at 10:30 last night and Max was wide awake. That's....annoying, but I have mom powers. I can fix it.

Rotten weather all weekend but it was much better and nicer today and we got to spend a lot of today outside which was so lovely. Trying to be patient with James, it is still hard, but somehow easier to do while outside.

Media consumption...huh, I did so much reading because I wanted to finish everything by the end of the month and I did it! Read Emily of New Moon, finished my poetry collection by Meera Alexander and the book on Model Ts and Art & Fear. Today I started a 2016 book called Hillbilly Elegy which is all about the white working class in America. About a quarter into it. Super interesting so far.

I bought this fancy journal thing on a whim...they have monthly editions and this is the June one. Will be the only one I get...saving pennies now...which is good because it's kinda lame I think. Seems to be anyway. But I'm gonna go write in it now. Really I should have just stuck to blogging. But I'm gonna go mess with that for awhile, because...for real...I paid for the thing, I'm gonna use it.

Today I'm thankful for laughter, flipping Max and making him giggle, Max having a good nap, being outside with James, bookstagram, coffee, Instagram, downtime, and one more day. And love. So much love. There's a lot of hate in the world right now but there is OMG so much love, too.


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