Day #100: I Feel Like Being Alone in Target Should Be More Fun

Maybe it's the masks that make you want to rush it. I did get out and went alone and we did get the door handle covers we needed to try to keep Max safe. I also ordered new glasses...did I mention I broke my glasses this week and have been living in's been a week.

Trip to see Grandpa got cancelled because of rain...again. Going down there tomorrow rain or shine. It's time.

Not a lot going on besides that. Low on patience, energy, and creativity. Feeling in need of a restart but not quite sure tonight how to get it.

I feel like I have more to say, but I'm not sure I feel up to it tonight.

Media consumption: some bad TV. Read another poem in How To Love a Country, that book is MUCH better when I'm not reading it alongside Hillbilly Elegy. More From the Desk of Zoe Washington which keeps getting better, started reading Felon: Poems as an ebook which goes GREAT alongside Zoe Washington. Also started Anne Lammott's Traveling Mercies on audio...I feel like I remember that one being better.

Today I'm grateful for books, poetry, some time alone, Max being asleep, reading to James, suriviving one more day, health, and hugs.


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