Day #174: A Zoom Job Interview
Job interviews are strange animals in the best of times. Job interviews by Zoom are beyond weird. I wore a skirt and a nice shirt. Josh laughed at me. But somehow it put me in a better mood and made me feel better prepared even though I know they couldn't see it. There was a 4 person interview team. At least 2 of them looked like they were doing it from home. No one was wearing a mask so maybe they all were. I admitted to doing my research by peeking into library windows when it was closed. I'm sure they found that amusing. It was harder than it even normally is for me to keep from talking over them. It was day 1 of their interviews so I don't even know if I was the first person or what. They seemed to have their act together. Of course, I'm sure they do this a lot. They expect at least one more round of interviews, probably more, so we'll just have to see. I knew it would be competitive. I was emotional after...I don't know why. It's been a long time since...