Day #170: A Whole Lotta the Same Old Thing

 Finding new ways to fill the days is very hard. I adore my kids for their creativity. Despite the fact that I spend my days fighting with James over picking up Legos, there are worse things than creative kids. Josh rearranged the basement and we have one of those new easy pickup Lego bins now so those two things should help.

I'm getting cards in the mail from church people about the talk I gave the other day. I'm so glad it speaks to them. I wish I was good at taking my own advice.

Tomorrow I get to go on a kid free walk and have a book group. That pretty much feels like a week in Aruba in this current climate.

People from around the country are starting school and reports are it is somehow harder this year than last. I need to sit down and spend some time looking at the info the school has sent and also take James on a back to school supply shopping trip. Those things should help both of us feel more prepared.

Josh is still interviewing like crazy and is going to have to make some decisions soon. I love him. This is hard. I'm hoping it will be over soon.

I want to do more writing. I have a novel brewing in my head but in the meantime I'm going to make a list of short stories I say I want to write and start doing it so I can have something to submit. You can't call yourself a real writer if you aren't submitting.

I myself have a job interview next week which is weird. I've been a stay at home mom for six years and going back to work feels like a tough decision and this feels like the wrong time to make it. But Josh has encouraged me to take the interview and see where the process goes and he's right. Also, the library in question is attached to a swimming pool, so that itself is a short story. 

Media consumption. I finally finished The Miseducation of Cameron Post, which is tomorrow's book group book. It was good, if too long. Then I read Blended by Sharon Draper which was lovely and right for this time...much family drama and then a police shooting that catches you by surprise, all in a kids' book, which is perfect. Today I started King and the Dragonflies which I'm predicting right now is going to be a Newbery contender, although the author is getting more attention for their new YA book, which I have to read next.

Today I'm thankful for books, snuggles, my Mama's peanut butter bars recipe, the nice things the church people are saying, and that both my children are asleep right now.


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