Day #149: Pandemic House Guests
You have to hide sometimes for fear of being judged. So I've really been off social media since they got here. I do understand it. Some people aren't taking this seriously and it's frustrating because it affects all of us. But when people pass judgement on who you spend time with or what is going on in your life without knowing your family, your reality, your situation, it gets really old. Sometimes you know all the risks and you intentionally and with a lot of thought take them. My dad turned 80 in March. That was a big deal. We very nearly lost him three years ago and I'm not sure he expected to be 80. We planned a birthday party for him. My sister and her family were flying in from out of state. And then...COVID hit. His birthday party technically would have been allowed as it was on March 14, but no one thought it was a good idea. So we canceled it. And that was hard. We'll do something in the summer, we told everyone. No one thought we'd still be locked dow...