Day #238: The Thing I Most Appreciate About James
Today was one of those meh days. I had a cookie for breakfast. This describes pretty well how today went. It is Wednesday and on Wednesdays there's no live required for school so we got off to a late start. I showered at 11. Really, I'm just glad I showered at all. I may go do it again. We spent the better part of the day trying to organize how we were going to do the school supply pickup at 3:30 only to get there and discover it is next week. This is in sharp contrast to yesterday. Yesterday was picture day, which I had weird anxiety about all day, and started with taking James for a haircut first thing after his morning school session and then organizing life around the 1:45 picture slot. It was successful. So I guess there's an ebb and flow to these things. As I was going to take my 11:00 shower today, though, I pulled James into my lap and told him one of the things I most appreciate about him, which is that it really doesn't matter if it's a crazy day or a do...