Day #238: The Thing I Most Appreciate About James

 Today was one of those meh days. I had a cookie for breakfast. This describes pretty well how today went.

It is Wednesday and on Wednesdays there's no live required for school so we got off to a late start. I showered at 11. Really, I'm just glad I showered at all. I may go do it again. We spent the better part of the day trying to organize how we were going to do the school supply pickup at 3:30 only to get there and discover it is next week.

This is in sharp contrast to yesterday. Yesterday was picture day, which I had weird anxiety about all day, and started with taking James for a haircut first thing after his morning school session and then organizing life around the 1:45 picture slot. It was successful. So I guess there's an ebb and flow to these things. 

As I was going to take my 11:00 shower today, though, I pulled James into my lap and told him one of the things I most appreciate about him, which is that it really doesn't matter if it's a crazy day or a do nothing day...James is constantly thinking and creating, and amazing me. James never does nothing. James always does amazing things. Even if they are invent robotic machines from cardboard when he's supposed to be setting the dinner table.

By 6:00, when Josh was heating our frozen pizza diner (what kind of day it has been,) I was burnt all out and reading in the living room while the kids played. Somehow, the living room had become hot lava (you know, it happens,) and James was inventing tools and flying machines to navigate it. I mean, I seriously adore this kid. And Max had no idea what was going on so he would read for awhile and then he'd run to a little side table, touch it with one finger, then run and touch me, all while making a hissing noise like something is hot. It was hilarious. 

It really is the little things.

Max has been grumpy the past few days and wants to know why everything, like why must Mama cut candy in half and why does anyone leave the room ever. Hoping it passes soon.

We tried on the Halloween costumes. They are adorable.

Media consumption: still reading like a crazy person. Today I finished A Place at the Table, which was lovely, and read Cheshire Crossing, an Alice in Wonderland/Dorothy Gale/Wendy Darling mashup that was highly unsuccessful. I'm hoping to finish Lose Your Mother tomorrow and am also 2/3 through with Little Witches, a Little Women graphic novel rewrite that has them as witches working with the Laurence family who are witchfinders, employed to try to track down evil Confederate mages. I'm reserving opinions on that one. And I'm through the fun parts of Ally McBeal and ready to find a new show to binge, especially next week with the election nonsense. But there has been Great British Baking Show, so...bliss...

Today I'm grateful for James's mind at work, surviving another first grade writing assignment, preparing to write for fun next week, watching my kids play, and a lazy morning.


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