My Favorite New Thing is Watching Max Play

 So really what's going on is I need a new spot for my reading chair. But problems have their advantages.

My grandpa, who was a furniture upholsterer, made a chair for me not long before he died. And I love this chair. I've had this chair in every home I've lived in.

When we moved into this house, we put the chair in James's room and sat for years with him and read stories to him in the chair. When we moved James into his big boy bed, the chair went into what became in short order Max's room and that's where it is.

Max and I still sit and read in the chair a lot, but the transition is coming again except this time I don't know where it will go. But for right now I spend a lot of my time sitting in Max's room reading because that's where my favorite chair is.

Both kids got dollhouses of a sort for Christmas. James's is more of a traditional doll house and Max's is a fire house. Today I was sitting in his room and watching him play and it's like his imaginative play has exploded. The people in his house sleep. They snore. They get up and eat donuts. Then they go on a sugar rush and run around.

It's the kind of thing that is seriously difficult to film because you don't know what moments are going to be cute but a sheer and complete delight to just watch.

And that was my day.

Yeah, I was supposed to get a Covid booster...again...and it didn't happen...again...and yeah, I had to walk with a friend in the rain, and yeah all this stuff is still going on. But today the best thing was watching Max play. And for today that was the focus.

Media consumption: I finished The West Wing...yet again, so feel a little lost on what to watch. There are a lot of things but hello, decision fatigue. Today I read the Clara Lemlich edition of the She Persisted chapter book series for early readers (approx. ages 6-9.) Super interesting story about a super interesting woman! I want the Sally Ride book. And I'm still reading Wintering very slowly and might finish Merci Suarez changes gears for my Newbery challenge tonight.

Today I'm grateful for kids books, donuts, imaginative play, activity books (did I MENTION that James gave me a coupon that is literally for everything out of his Mo Willems activity book today??) dinner not cooked by me, bookstagram, libraries, picture books, prayer, and my boys. All of them.


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