Day #300: No Resolutions AKA I Got Called Out on my Priorities Today
This is a long story and I'm not sure how much into the weeds I wanna get so I will try to keep it short. An old friend and fellow co-worker of mine started a project a couple of years ago...2017, I think, maybe earlier, for sure before Max was born...promoting women's participation in baseball. I said I was happy to help and we had a podcast going for awhile which was taken down because I forgot to pay the hosting on it, so that's on me, I have not always held up my end of the partnership. So these days it's more of a social media presence. I haven't really paid attention to it in...a long time, but I got a notification something that had been posted was blocked by facebook, yadda yadda, so I went in and looked and it was...all very political. Like incredibly left wing political and not baseball related at all. Which, okay, it's not my project, but there were tons of messages from people saying what happened and why didn't you cover this major women in base...