Day #265: Bad Day

 I feel like I for sure fall into the trap of making things sound rosier and more positive than they are sometimes, so when I have a bad day I need to own it. Maybe it will make Future Kris feel better about life or maybe if there really is someone out there reading it will make them feel better, I don't know.

Today was just rotten. It started rotten. It started with me being mad at James for being James, for destroying things and not really caring much about it, like usual. It didn't get better.

The teacher sent all the morning work back because we didn't follow I knew about, one is difficult to correct and getting any independent work done after about 1 p.m. (aka during or after naptime) is really hard

The highlight of my day is Josh more or less threw us out and sent us to a park to go run around which we did and it was lovely. James is now BFF with an older lady walking her dog there, so adorable. James is like ridiculously good at making friends. But overall it was a crappy sad grumpy teary I don't feel good at this kind of day. As I told a friend, it's the kind of day that makes me wish I was more of a drinker and also be grateful that I am not because depending on alcohol would not be good for me right now. I could really use a really good root beer, though.

You know what happens on bad days, though? I get lots of snuggles. I mean, sure, I also get bonked in the nose a lot but I do get lots of snuggles. They are really ridiculously good at taking care of me, no doubt about it.

Media consumption: Not getting into that Last of the Blacksmiths book...feel like I might if I read it at another time but don't want to hang onto it. Might wrap up the Vanderbeekers series and come back to it, that might help. The We Hate Movies on You've Got Mail is exactly as bad as I thought it would be. Good news? I just spent my birthday money from my dad on some UK wishlist books that I am wicked excited about, love the Book Depository!

Today I'm grateful for snuggles, puddle jumping pizza, Max naps, reading assignments, Christmas books, dancing, and hugs. And bedtime. I'm grateful for bedtime. 


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