Day #262: Kris's Birthday Weekend, Day 1

 I turn 42 on Monday. It's not a "big" birthday (still feeling for my dad who had his 80th birthday party indefinitely postponed in March) but I've been feeling emotional about it for...well, lots of reasons, because it's 2020 is probably saying enough. So I really want to have a nice birthday weekend.

As I think I've said, it's been a WEEK, so today was meant to my my day of recovery, and then Max woke up in the wee small hours in pain. Poor kid wasn't even crying, just rolling over and over and whining "ow, ow" whenever he moved. I got him to point to his diaper area as what hurt and eventually we got the diaper open and found just horrific diaper rash. I don't know where it came from. So the morning was all about soaks in a warm bath and having James hold his hands and talk gently to him while I had to wipe his little bottom and he sobbed. James has been just wonderful to him.

It's better now...still there for a few days I'm sure and every bottom wipe is gonna be hard, but we are stocked up on the good diaper cream now and he is doing better. But I was so damn tired. I am woefully unprepared to go back on a newborn sleep schedule and that's what it felt like this morning...I felt like I was moving underwater like in the early newborn days. (Max has never been what you might call a champion sleeper.)

The good news was it's Saturday and I didn't have to worry about school or Daddy's work schedule or anything...I just laid down and slept with him for 3 hours this afternoon. The second time this week we've done this this week, although the first time it did screw up the school schedule quite a lot.

The nap, though? It DRAINED me. I don't know if I'm getting old or if it's 2020 but I woke up from that nap so weak and so dehydrated I just wanted to crawl into bed and watch TV. It's been over 2 hours since I woke up now and I'm just starting to feel it.

As first days of birthday weekends go, though, it was nice. Restful. Not a ton of pressure. We are doing my birthday dinner (breakfast for dinner! French toast!) tomorrow and Josh is making me a cake. (From a box, but he's never baked anything in his life so he gets credit.) So overall feeling good going into my birthday...pandemic birthdays are not fun but stretching the relaxation and people generally being awesome to me over three days helps.

Tonight's plan. Me time! I got one of my favorite movies from the library (You've Got Mail,) and so the plan is to put the kids to bed, Josh is making me popcorn and then I get to curl up and just watch my movie alone and in peace. It sounds amazing. We'll see how it goes. Best laid plans and all that jazz.

Media consumption: not a ton of reading of late. I'm still sloooowly working through hasn't really engaged me, maybe this is not the most awesome of times to read about the nuclear apocalypyse, but I own the sequel and really want to finish.

Today I'm grateful for family, rest, diaper cream, parenting as partners, lots of snuggles, and birthdays.


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