Day #260: Kris Tries in Vain for a Happy Topic

 I'm not gonna lie, this week has really sucked.

The weather has been lousy, we've tried to get outside but no one is getting enough fresh air or exercise.

The kids are climbing the walls, the patience of the parents is very low. The COVID situation is awful, the upcoming holidays seem pretty depressing. It's not been a grand amount of fun.

Positives are important. We are healthy and safe. Josh remains employed and James is doing well in school. So the bads are more whiny and annoying bads than serious and awful bads. But it has not beeen a grand amount of fun, I cannot lie. 

We are working on refinancing the house which in the long run will be good. Saving money is good. But in the short term that means a lot of logging on to different places and finding and signing the right kind of paperwork which isn't fun. I spent more time than I wanted to doing that today which gives me a lot of sympathy for families where two parents are trying to work from home and wrangle small children at the same time. I know that's a lot of people's situation right now and we are lucky it isn't ours.

This whole thing has me craving favorite movies. Stranger Than Fiction is on Netflix now, so one of these nights I am going to watch that. I totally have a crush on Maggie Gyllenhall, no shame. And I got You've Got Mail from the library to watch by myself for my birthday because that is one of my FAVORITES. I am going to get and watch all the cheesy movies no one ever watches with me this holiday season, just watch me. And today I had hot dogs for lunch because I've been craving them all week. So yep. Dial up the comfort. 

Tomorrow is Friday and Monday is my birthday so I'm trying to shake this week off and go into fun mood. We'll see how I do. But even writing this, lame as it was, has helped.

Media consumption: I finished the third Vanderbeekers book and yesterday started Countdown by Deborah Wiles, a book I borrowed from a friend many years ago in what is known as The Childless Era and never returned. Finally reading it. Came clean to her, she knows I have it. It is historical fiction set in 1962 so it's very cold war threat of nuclear war-ish. Not sure that's the right vibe for the moment, but perservering. And finishing up How I Met Your Mother, gonna move on to The Crown.

Today I'm grateful for naps with Max, dark chocolate, television (we had an internet outage today and realize how much we are depending on our media right now,) and my support system. 


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