Day #84: It is Way Too Late at Night to Just Be Starting This Now

I had a horrid headache last night so I decided to skip blogging and go straight to TV and laundry folding. There's still laundry to be folded but no more headache so there you go.

It's late...I just finally finished recording my section of a choir piece for a virtual choir mashup video that's being put while I have a lot to say most of it is just gonna have to wait to a more convenient hour. Max has been iffy about sleep, particularly last night, so very tired and really just trying to embrace snuggles and today we spent most of the day outside. It turns out that yes, in case anyone is wondering personal lubricant makes an excellent substitute for glycerin in homemade bubble mix (the latter being hard to find, the former being readily available and even my glycerin free lube worked great.) So our new recipe for bubble mix is 6 cups of water, half a cup of Dawn dishwashing detergent, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, and a generous squirt of lube (think of it as a double dose...) I am the freaking MacGyver of kids' crafts. Tomorrow perhaps we will do face paint with colored pencils or maybe sidewalk chalk puffy paint. Both are options.

Max looks gigantic to me when he plays right now...a friend just had a newborn and looking at those pics makes me literally go OMG. He's SO fun. He's also so much trouble. He opened a door yesterday but I'm not sure he's realized that he can actually do it...yet...

I had an interesting text chat with my mother-in-law tonight about child raising...she just kinda shared what my husband was like as a kid, which was endearing, and since she raised boys she had warnings for the years ahead, which ones are a challenge. It made me think of my mom, who sadly I never got to know as an adult. Lord only knows what she would say about the difficult child I was. James is a lot like me which is why we clash so much but thankfully he doesn't have the hot temper. He doesn't get mad so much as he melts...we had a rough morning today...lots of spilled cereal and complaints about mean Mom who made him clean it up. I try not to lose my cool with him but it is just so hard especially when tired. Which is why when we move on the snuggles become so important.

I remain eternally grateful for the hammock even if it means that kids climb on me in it all the time (Max: ving! Ving!) and for my coffee barista because I swear to you I basically spent the morning in bed and put actual clothes on when James said we should do letter of the day outside, at which point coffee became damn essential.

Media consumption: finished Mrs. America last night. So well done. I'm gonna miss it. The end when they showed the real footage of those women and talked about how women have not had that much political power since the early 70s legit made me cry. I'm slowly working my way through Emily of New Moon, don't know why it's going so slow. I remember loving it so much the last time I read it I don't know what's going on now. I have the other two in the trilogy waiting to listen, wonder if I'll make it. Still keeping pace with Jo's was better yesterday and then back to annoying today. I thought I was going to finish my poetry collection tonight, I only have about 20 pages left, but I don't think I'm gonna make it. Today was a lot of bad TV.

Today I'm grateful for my husband, my kids, my mother-in-law, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, coffee, sunshine, driving, getting lost, the hammock, books, good fiction, distractions, friends, and sleep. Which I'm off to go get.


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