Day #74: My Degree is from I Heard it and Somebody Said it University

A friend of mine said on the phone tonight that someone in one of her online groups created a logo for that university and whoever that friend is JUST WON THE INTERNET. The assault on expertise and education going on in this country right now is for real mind boggling. OMG. But enough about Facebook.

Learned again today that going outside and walking in the woods is sanity saving. But I feel like I already knew that. The lingering dread of Monday is still with me but the smell of flowers...omigoodness the flowers. And I feel like we should also do daily flower walks in our yard. The rhodys are in bloom, how could I ever be a sad person when the rhodys are in bloom?

I failed at finally launching James's and my podcast AGAIN today. I so want it to happen. I really do. I want there to be things James and I do besides fight. We did put together most of his little in the mail stem kit on arcades...and then he melted down because he couldn't sleep with it. Mom life. We NEED to make cookies tomorrow. This is for real a need.

One thing I do love is watching Max and Josh's relationship develop. I feel like in Max's early baby days the division of labor was always James was with Daddy and Max was with me. I think that's just a side effect of breastfeeding. But Daddy is home more and Max is less of a Mama's boy and it's fun to watch the two of them. It just continues to be hard to be James. My buddy. I love James so damn much and this is harder on him then he lets on.

I have a Masters' degree and aspire to write all kinds of things and yet I feel like I spend a lot of my time wondering if I'm using than or then correctly. This is the kind of thing I used to know was a solid fact and somehow have started doubting.

I read a fascinating article today about it being time to talk about low risk activities. I really love the comparison of complete shutdowns with abstinence only education and for the first time it made me willing to think about summer. If such a thing were possible, talking about how to set people up for low risk activities that they could sustain in the longer term then it could lead to a summer of playing outside with friends in low contact activities, maybe even open splash pads and some good summer road trips. I can live with that kind of summer. I need options for low risk activities my kids and I can do that allow them to be kids.

In the meantime, Monday looms. I have come to really hate Mondays. When we had a normal the return to it as the week started was nice, now that we live in this world it just feels like more of the same stress and hard work except Daddy can't really help so much. Not fun.

Media consumption: mostly a lot of How I Met Your Mother reruns, dating from before we went outside so not a sign of great mental health. I read a little bit of the Tiny Cooper book, listened to a little bit of Anne of Windy Poplars.

Today I'm thankful for flowers, spring, trees, Max's growing vocabulary, watching the relationship between Max and James and between Max and Josh, takeout, picnics, family, and love.


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