Day #54: They are Going to Reopen the Forest

Did not sleep at all well last night...the good news I guess is my husband hasn't been a great sleeper through this and is a night owl anyway so there was someone to hang out with. I'm surprised we haven't played more video the days pre-children when we had time to spare we'd play video games or board games. Life changes a lot after kids. We didn't even have our first pandemic Scrabble game until last week, that is so unlike us. But we watched a documentary his dad sent, that was cool, and we've been watching Community, there are many seasons of that and it's nice to have a show to share.

Been trying to get more one on one time with James, even just to read a little bit. We broke out some mail order craft kits I had been sitting on today, there was one about space, that was fun. We made a little model solar system and a solar oven. He LOVES project learning like that, that's one thing remote school does not have much of.

I went back to the store this afternoon to get the 8 things I forgot on Saturday and on the way home caught the governor's press conference on the radio and therein was the news that made James smile: they are reopening most public lands and parks next Tuesday May 5. That *should* mean the forest. I can think of no reason why the forest wouldn't be doesn't include some hard to open areas or some popular parks near rural communities that could be in real danger if everyone floods there. And it is day use only, no camping, that kind of thing. But it should mean we can go back to our neighborhood forest and OMG have we missed it.

I do understand that this is hard. The people who work in these places are nervous. I get that. But I'm also so grateful. The truth is we have to start reopening some things and while I've said before I am not an infectious diseases specialist and grateful that these decisions aren't mine to make because they are *tough* decisions, at some point you have to venture out and live life. I know we won't be able to do all the things right away and normal is still a long ways away but getting back some of those things we have been missing is going to feel amazing. I feel like I could even survive a summer in quarantine if only we had our parks. But I'm hoping a *few* more things will open by then. Slowly. With a careful watch on the science. I'm pro science.

So yeah. I still need to work on our mask situation...the strings on a couple are still jacked up and I still have not solved the how do you see and wear the thing at the same time problem. But more things being open is definitely an incentive to continue working the problem. I also love that Max loves his mask. He hasn't worn it in awhile because he hasn't been anywhere since Good Friday when we wrecked the car and I don't make him wear it when we're just walking around outside, but he loves it and when he sees it he gets excited and will point to it. "Ma-ma!" Also, in other news, we are teaching Max to clean up after himself and he freaking loves it. Can't teach him to not make messes in the first place, but, you know, baby steps.

I'm thinking when I sign off here of dipping my toe back into facebook. It's now been a week and today is the first day since the first day that I've actually missed it. I'm not letting myself have more than twenty minutes, though. Must ease in slowly.

In other media consumption: finally gave up on that book that was bugging me and started listening to the original Anne of Green Gables on audio instead. Good decision. So soothing. That book has been with me through so much, I could probably recite it, but it's grounding. I picked up a book of poetry today called Poetry of the Mountains and it turned out the mountains mentioned are in Australia, that I was not expecting, A lot of it felt pretty bland but then one poem really grabbed me so I'll stick with it. I also started a YA book called Curveball about a teenager who blows out his arm and has to give up baseball. That spoke to me. Been missing baseball. For TV today, just plenty of Mary Tyler Moore. I tried to find that show right after she died but I didn't have access to it, feel like I'm celebrating her on delay.

Today I'm grateful for poetry, biscuits, a mask for the grocery store, science, James, good news, and good weather. And HEALTH.


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