Day #358: No More Sick Kids
I was pretty distracted when I wrote the other day so I wanted to finish the story of the sickness since I sincerely hope we are through it now. After the movie on Thursday afternoon James's temp was still high and he developed a stiff neck so I called the pediatrician nurse line. By the time they got back to me it was after 4:30 and she said with that combination of symptoms she really wanted him seen that day and suggested we make an appointment with the children's hospital urgent care. So he and I went there at 7:50 and Josh stayed with Max. That's probably the way we would have done it anyway but with Covid protocols only one parent was allowed in. Josh and I talked after this was over about how lucky we are that we really have had overall healthy kids. Max had very minor surgery when he was one to remove a benign growth in his neck that he was born with and James spent the first three weeks of his life in the NICU because he came early but other than that we have been ...