
Showing posts from March, 2022

The One Blog Post on the Planet that ISN'T about Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock

When I started this blog, I envisioned it as a chronicling of the crazy time in which we were living (the one I thought was temporary but now don't) and a place for personal reflection. It turns out that as a chronicler of contemporary events I SUCK. People of the future, I dunno what to tell you except there was a thing at the Oscars and it's been discussed to death and I don't care. I don't care. Everyone was wrong, everyone is terrible, I don't care. I will say, I do sincerely feel like we have lost our ability to laugh at ANYTHING. Everyone I saw today who had a joke or a meme got roundly criticized for it because apparently you can side with anyone but the one thing you can't do is laugh. It made me think of an old West Wing quote...I don't remember what it's in reference to, but they are talking about not wanting to turn something into a joke (as per the news cycle,) and the response is, "What exactly would I have to do to it to make it a joke...

No, Thanks, I DON'T Want to Hear Your Opinion About the End of the Mask Mandates

First, let's start with the good news. The facebook status from the hospital today said there were 8 people hospitalized with Covid. At the height of the omicron surge, that number was in the mid-fifties. It's the lowest I've seen the number since I started sharing numbers from our local hospital. (You know, the one where I used to volunteer.) Lower numbers means ending some restrictions and that has EVERYONE with strong opinions. Saturday was the end of the mask mandate in our state and today was the day that the school my second grader goes to became masks optional. We talked as a family a LOT about this and decided for this week he would try to keep it on while studying in class (he has an unvaccinated brother and vulnerable family members so we talked about how this is in protection of others) but can have it off on the playground, in PE, etc. He's not happy about this but that was our deal.  So today he got in trouble for spitting in a classmate's ear.  I tried...

Kris Reflects on Writing, and an Anniversary Approaching

I'm totally writing this from bed. It's kind of weird and deja vuish. When I started this blog, back in the early days of the pandemic, my office was in shambles and I did my computer "work" (which, since I didn't have a job, meant blogging and Goodreads and such) on my bed and on the couch on this laptop. But I was spending too much time sitting on soft surfaces and having awful posture because apparently I was on the laptop a lot so my husband encouraged me to finally dig out my office and get back to using it. Which I did, and I'm sure I wrote about it so I'm sure you can go back and look. In those days I wrote on the blog a LOT. But today I lack the physical energy to go sit at my desk and the laptop was nearby and I've been wanting to get on here and write this, so I'm writing from bed and it's deja vu. Which is interesting because I'm also reflecting on an anniversary. On Saturday, it will be 2 years since the pandemic started for our...