Kelly Yang Follows Me on Instagram, We Are All Learning Independence, and Other Notes From the Life
"The autumn is a time that makes one think there is no time like the present, and the present is very pleasant." --from The Journal of Beatrix Potter, October 1894 Guess who is starting her blog post after 10:30 because she wanted to squeeze in just a little more reading time? This girl. I have been using reading as avoidance so much...I may need to scale back just a bit. I'm not sure if I agree with Beatrix in that quote or not but I like the quote and I like the idea of the quote. I don't know if I'd feel that way in an ordinary fall, which of course this is not. So Kelly Yang, who is the author of the Front Desk books which I adore, now follows me on Instagram and I feel low key famous. I mean, I have a TINY Instagram following of like 500, it is very much a hobby of mine, but she saw a booktalk I did there on her YA debut from last year which I think I may have written about last week who knows, but it is called Parachutes and it is EXCELLENT. So she follows...