
Showing posts from August, 2021

Millions of Peaches

I said I was going to blog Thursdays and I didn't even make it one week. But James and Max have been invited to go watch a movie and eat pizza with the neighbors (which feels BIZARRE...I am not used to people going anywhere, but they play together through the fence all the time anyway so it makes sense) and now I finally have the time.  Turns out there is one living being that loved the heat wave we had in June and that was our peach tree. Peaches aren't supposed to grow in this part of the world but we apparently have a nice little microclimate. In a typical year we'd get a couple of dozen maybe. Last year we had lovely blooms but no peaches at all. This year...this year we have picked two boxes plus dozens to just eat outside and given bags to two neighbors and a visiting friend...and I STILL have a box of peaches on the porch waiting for me to deal with them before they attract every fruit fly on the planet. They don't get particularly is the wrong climate...

Blog Plans and Embracing the SAHM Life

 I'm gonna quit apologizing for updating this since I literally only did it for myself. If you're reading, hi, you're awesome, I hope you get something from this, if not talking to myself is 100% my speciality. It's been summer. During the course of the summer the trend of the pandemic and everyone's general mood has shifted dramatically. In June we were all embracing full vaccination and return to school and we were going out and doing small numbers and slowly. Now the Delta variation is all over the place, too many people are still unvaccinated and it feels like January again except this time with the need to reopen. So....yeah. I'm going with caution but moving forward. James will start school five days a week in two weeks with masks and they just announced a vaccine mandate for school personnel. I kind of hate the idea of a mandate...I'm much more libertarian with stuff like that than most of the friends I hang out with...but I do understand ...