Too Many Things Happen in June: a recap
Huh. Okay. Where were we? When I started this, I wrote every day because there was NOTHING ELSE TO DO. It's funny that as life starts back up again that changes. I actually had to start keeping a calendar in May because enough was happening that I couldn't keep it in my head. That...hadn't happened in awhile. So since I wrote last I received both my vaccines and joined the ranks of the fully vaccinated on June 7. Which means I can hug my friends which is nice. We've eaten at a few indoor restaurants and I signed the kids up for swimming lessons starting June 28 but it hasn't changed our life that much. I still wear my mask to the grocery store even though I'm not required to anymore. I still wear it most places. We still haven't been anywhere with a giant crowd. My dad wants to go to a baseball game. I like the idea of it, but it's also kind of terrifying. My family and close friends are all vaccinated now except my kids who still aren't eligible. C...