Mother's Day
Have I talked about Mother's Day before? I dunno. All of it is blending together into a mixed up soup. My mother passed away suddenly in June of 1995, just a few days after Father's Day and about two weeks after my older sister's high school graduation. I was 16. In early years, I had no idea how to escape Mother's Day. It's everywhere and it felt like there was no place to go to be away from it. I didn't know how to honor her or deal with it at all. Then in February of 2000 I gained a stepmother. I was 21 at the time and the only one in the family still in school. My sister was living overseas and engaged, my two new stepbrothers were older than her and starting families of their own. I was an adult, but still in college and the only one in the family who ever lived with them for extended periods of time.I lived with them in multiple month stretches a couple of times after graduating from college but never longer than six months. The final stretch was over the ...