Day #326: Newbery and Caldecott Day
It's weird to me when things that were part of my old life show up and try to play ball in this one. So...where to start this story. Once upon a time I went to a librarian's conference. In the summer of 2006 I was a student librarian intern for King County Library System and in graduate school. I worked about 15 hours a week and went to school online (which was more unusual back then but at a time when online higher ed was exploding.) In summer of 2005 there had been a huge hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast. Flooded New Orleans and wiped out the coastal areas of Louisiana and Mississippi, just awful devastating loss. I really wanted to help but I was a graduate student and had no money. I also had no skills to speak of. I mean, I'm not in construction, I can't go down and help rebuild houses, assuming I can get there, I'd just be in the way. So I remember feeling very helpless. That spring a friend of mine calls me and says she heard from a Girl Scout friend of her...